Today… Monday, December 14, 2009
Outside my window…The freezing cold, dark night.
I am thinking…How more than a quarter of the nation is enduring worse weather than I have experienced this year, and how dilligent and hard working I'll have to be to keep up with my new, growing, and full schedule.
I am thankful for…Everything, but more specifically, the ability to have a schedule and things to fill it. Also, I am thankful for being more comfortable materially than 75% of the earth's population!
I am wearing…My capree pant pajamas and a small, close shirt, and large thin one on top.
I am reading…More Love to Thee, The Scarlett Letter (school)
I am creating…A collage,a more orderly life.
One of my favorite things…dreidel!
For education this week… Completeing a lab, a test, and a book. Also, my mother and I will begin and continue several bible studies.
A keeper at home skill I am using/learning … time management.
A spiritual lesson I’m learning…I think I'm learning several things! To trust in Him, to rest in Him, and to live a life of love.
A godly character trait I plan to work on…patience
Scripture I am memorizing…I am still going through 1 Cor.13, but several scriptures come through my mind daily, though in a subconcious manner.
I am praying to…be close to HaShem.
For the rest of the week…I will be just trying to stay on schedule!
A picture I’d like to share…

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