formerly Akeret haBayit in Training

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Purity Challenge Week 2 : Modesty

Lexi's post as Choosing to Wait beginning the second week of the purity challenge was so encouraging and edifying. It talked "about more of a pure heart issue…because we really can’t be 100% pure without one." She tells us -
This week I want you all to link up and post about things that make us not have a pure heart and talk about ways teens can encourage one another to stand up for the gift God has given us. Purity.
I want to do this by discussing the effects of immodesty in behavior and clothing. First , I will begin with a verse, that is key to a pure heart.
If you make a tree good, its fruit will be good; and if you make a tree bad, its fruit will be bad; for a tree is known by its fruit...How can you who are evil say anything good? For the mouth speaks what overflows from the heart. Matt. 12 : 33-34
Now, this verse would be sufficient in itself ;) But let's go a little further.

Modest Appearance

I have written on this topic several times before, but it could always use a re-touching. ;)
Many times women, especially young women that want to be popular,attractive,and "normal", cringe from the thought off what they may call "covering up". Depending on what it may look like in your head, it seems unattractive and perhaps even wrong (or weird ;) . But think about this - a woman who wants to draw attention to her body dresses in a way that will. As daughters of HaShem (G-D) should we desire to draw that kind of attention to ourselves? I think that as a daughter of the King, we should dress differently from what the world thinks as acceptable. If you dislike the concept of modesty, you might say , "But I don't want attention, that is why I don't want to stick out by dressing differently". This is completely understandable.
But I will tell you something that many dear women do not know- you can dress modestly and attractively, beautifully, and with your own style. You don't have to wear skirts to your ankles to be modest, unless you feel that that is your personal conviction. Modesty is not so much about "covering up" as it is about not drawing attention, especially that which may be negative, to our physical selves. I believe that walking in purity involves every aspect of ourselves- appearance, physical contact, thoughts, emotions, mindsets, speech, and behavior.

Modest Behavior

Dressing modestly will not make a difference if we do not behave modestly. What I mean by "behave" is this. Imagine a young girl dressed in pretty,stylish, and modest (not revealing) clothing. And yet, you notice she is flirting with a boy, or group of boys. You see her disrespect her parents , and sit in an inappropriate manner. Behave inappropriately altogether ;) Now, at first you thought, "What a lovely, modest young lady!" Now you are thinking, "What is the point of her dressing like that when she's acting like that? " And you would be right. Dear sister's, just as we would dress like a daughter of the King, let us act like a daughter of the King, at all times, in all places, and no matter what we are wearing.

Here is a lovely song that is - well, listen to the words ;)

I don't want to sound redundant, and I am not saying that there is only one way. Of course, I am writing my view, my opinion, and my convictions. Everyone is different, and called to a different and unique path. But as Lexi said, let's "encourage one another to stand up for the gift G-D has given us. Purity." Let's stand up, stand out, and not be afraid to be different.

I hope you have been keeping up with her purity posts, they are located on the sidebar above the Purity Challenge button.



  1. Great post! very encouraging, modestly both physical and mental is such a huge part of my life. It's great to see others supporting "the cause" ;)

    peace & blessings!

  2. awesome post Katherine! Its great to see other teens standing up for the sake of purity!

    Hugs and Blessings,


I appreciate your presence. Feel free to share your opinions and perspectives in good spirit! :)