formerly Akeret haBayit in Training

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Touched to Tears

Some recent events in my life- unexpected, to say the least- have started me thinking on a fundamental concept of monotheism. What am I talking about? I am talking about the concept that -

G-d is omniscient, He is omnipresent. He knows all things past and present- and yet He shows us mercy, and forgives and forgets our sins. He knows our future, our destiny, and yet, we have the freedom of choice.

Here is a beautiful scripture that is a proof to the above statement, that He is omniscient and omnipresent.

"Where can I go to escape your Spirit? Where can I flee from your presence?
If I climb up to heaven, you are there; if I lie down in Sh'ol, you are there.

If I fly away with the wings of the dawn and land beyond the sea,even there your hand would lead me, your right hand would hold me fast.

If I say, "Let darkness surround me, let the light around me be night,"even darkness like this is not too dark for you; rather, night is as clear as day, darkness and light are the same.

For you fashioned my inmost being, you knit me together in my mother's womb.

I thank you because I am awesomely made, wonderfully; your works are wonders -I know this very well.

My bones were not hidden from you when I was being made in secret, intricately woven in the depths of the earth.

Your eyes could see me as an embryo, but in your book all my days were already written; my days had been shaped before any of them existed.

God, how I prize your thoughts! How many of them there are!

If I count them, there are more than grains of sand; if I finish the count, I am still with you...

Examine me, God, and know my heart; test me, and know my thoughts.

See if there is in me any hurtful way, and lead me along the eternal way."
Psalm 139 : 7-24

I don't think there could be better proof. And there are so many more scriptures.
As I as thinking about these recent events, I was serving someone a cup of soda, and it struck me-and at the same instant tears struck my eyes-

Abba, You knew this was going to happen- even as I was laying in bed sick, You knew what was going on, though I had no idea. I can't begin to describe the immense comfort, satisfaction and contentment I feel to know that I am in His hands, my times are in His hands, and everything that happens is for the best. To think that He knows it all is...relieving.

is what I'm learning. I think I have come from where I started, but I have not arrived. Really, I think that the ease with which I am trusting Him in this situation is supernatural (not that it is that bad, just, I have a tendency to worry) ...but then, so many things are. I am alive because of the supernatural. Whether it is supernatural, or the result of practice, I thank G-d for it, and I just want to say, I LOVE YOU HaShem!

And you know what the doubly awesome thing is? That no matter what happens-whether it is good or bad- it is all for the best. When I think of that, this verse always comes to mind.

"Furthermore, we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called in accordance with his purpose..." Romans 8:28

How comforting, is it not? Our mistakes, our doubting desicions, what happens to us- it will turn out for the best. Like when you make a mistake, yet you learn a valuable lesson. I cannot imagine being fully responsible for myself and everything around me - like I sometimes think I am. *wink*

In conclusion, He knows all, and we must learn to trust Him, in the big and little things, with His help. I think it is a life process. Of one thing, we should be certain, no matter what.
"For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor other heavenly rulers, neither what exists nor what is coming,neither powers above nor powers below, nor any other created thing will be able to separate us from the love of God which comes to us through the Messiah Yeshua, our Lord. " Romans 8:38-39

*Scripture from Complete Jewish Bible. HaShem means "G-d", loosely.*Image is mine, made Polaroid with the Polaroid converter, available for free and easy download here.*

1 comment:

  1. What a comforting post. I really needed to hear those scriptures today. Thanks!


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