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Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Top Ten Picks:Favorite Books to Movies

Go check out hostess Jillian's picks for her weekly meme! And join in and link up!

BBC's recent adaptation of Jane Austen's Emma was simply fabulous!!!! I cannot admire it enough. It was-really really good. Very good. See? I can't stop admiring it. A must watch! They have it on youtube. I've written about it here. Did I like the book or movie better? Well, the book is much richer, but I'd watch the movie more times than I'd watch the boo-ahaha, I mean, read the book. I should rephrase that- I have watched the movie more times then I've read the book.
I can't remember what year this excellent adaptation of Louisa May Alcott's classic book Little Women was produced in, but all I know is that it is such a good, homey movie. I must have watched it a million times. Don't believe me? I can tell you the very first line of dialouge in the movie. "Marmee's home!" Book or movie? Book, definitely. But this is about my favorite books to movies, or movies to books, so...

I have to say that the 1995 or 1996 adaptation of Jane Austen's Sense and Sensibility is really good. I mean, the cast is amazing- great acting, and its just a classic. Though I hear that the new adaptation is more accurate, and I do think it has a lot of great aspects and other things, but I can't feel about it how I feel about this adaptation :p Book or movie? Book, though the newer adaptation is a great light watch, if you don't feel like watching this seemingly longer version, or reading the book.

Number 4- Mansfield Park. I prefer this version, I much much prefer this adaptation to the 1995 one. Though its not exactly accurate and etc etc, it has a lot of faults, but I still like it. Book or movie? Book!!! Much better than the movies. People get the wrong idea about Fanny in the movies- you must read the book!

David Copperfield. I'm not sure which year or anything, I just know that there are known British actors in it, and the guy that does Harry Potter-David something ( I know I'm butchering this) plays David Copperfield as a boy. This is a great adaptation-very long, but very accurate. And good-excellent. Book or movie? I'd say movie. This adaptation that is. :)

The 1990-something adaptation, the only adaptation, I think, of Elizabeth Gaskell's classic Wives and Daughters, is really really good. I'm reading the book now, and there are some thing's that aren't accurate in the movie, but its still so good that you can't complain or be upset. The movie has an incredible cast-its just altogether excellent.

I almost forgot about this just because its like second nature to me- such a part of myself that this is the best Pride and Prejudice adaptation and so much like the book that they're one and the same, I think.

I can't rave enough about BBC's adaptation of Jane Eyre. It's really awesome. Must watch! Click the link there to read my previous rave about it and get the link to see it on youtube. Yeah, I didn't realize until recently that we have the BBc channel. So I see recent adaptations on youtube. :p

A Little Princess. Warner Brother's adaptation. Really really good. REALLY really really good. :) Book or movie? book. Why? I don't know-the book just has something really magical about it.

The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe. I think everyone knows what I'm talking about when I talk about the most recent movie adaptation of this book. Its awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Book or movie? Both!

And there are my top ten! Go link up!


  1. Awesome list this week! I agree with Little Women. I lovd it as well!

  2. Thanks for the list! I'm going to have to order a few of these from the library... :)

  3. This list was so much fun to do!

  4. I love that Jane Eyre adaptation, too. It's one of my favourites (forgot it when I was making my list, though).

  5. I love reading too! I like your blog.


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